Make sure your family settle in well with OSS World Wide Movers
OSS World Wide Movers can assist the transferee/family to become familiar with residential areas best suited to their lifestyle and budget as quickly as possible. Orientations are information-intensive structured introductions to the destination location.
Pre-arrival needs assessment + Conference call
OSS World Wide Movers can conduct a needs assessment to ensure your unique situation is fully understood. Once the dynamics of your relocation are identified, we outline a relocation plan that seeks to address the key aspects of your relocation. For example, if you are moving your family overseas, a school search will need to be conducted along with seeking out community engagement activities.
Arrival meeting and orientation
You may require a desktop orientation: an in-depth explanation of residential areas as well as the detail needed to make the first few decisions as easy as possible. This will provide expert information on areas, the housing market and lifestyle choices, allowing you and your family to find an area you feel comfortable in, making the proceeding Home Search as worthwhile as possible. It also provides an opportunity to discuss settling concerns & issues.
Information Kit
OSS World Wide Movers can provide you with a very useful tool that includes detailed information on your destination city and Australia, maps, transport, schools, websites, directories and much more.
Settling In + Home Set Up
OSS World Wide Movers provides advice and information with regards to your new suburb, guidance on driver’s licenses, banking, networking, and medical facilities, plus any support to help you and your family settle in well to the new surroundings.