Moving To Malaysia –
What You Need To Know
Since 1969, OSS World Wide Movers has provided complete global door-to-door moving services to Malaysia. That’s over 50 years of specialist international moving, and over 200,000 moves.
Important Information To Consider When Moving To Malaysia
Used personal and household goods are duty-free provided, the shipper is the owner of the goods and the goods have been in the owner’s position for not less than six months.
All personal and household goods are subject to 100% customs examination.
The customer does not need to be present when goods arrive packing list must tally with packed goods.
- GST Relief Form
- Copy of the photo page of your passport
- Copy of work permit or letter from employer’s local office in Malaysia
- Identity card (IC) front and back for returning Malaysian
- Copy of work permit or letter of employment from origin country for returning Malaysian
There is NO tax-free allowance for alcohol arriving in unaccompanied shipments
There may also be additional documentation that you will be required to provide at the destination to achieve duty-free entry for your shipment. Whilst you are not required to provide this documentation to us at this time, please ensure you read and fully understand the requirements. If you do require further clarification or foresee any difficulties in obtaining the required documentation, please let me know and I will arrange for our destination partner to contact you directly to discuss.