OSS is a Moving Company Specialising in International Moving and Relocation

Our journey together.

Moving overseas can be a big life decision, from choosing a country and finding a new place to live. For over 50 years, OSS World Wide Movers is an international moving company and has been working together with individuals, business people, and Corporate clients to make a great start on their journey.

Our journey together starts here.

OSS Industry Accreditations Trust

It’s your guarantee.

Our membership is your guarantee of reliability
and quality assurance when moving overseas,
and we are regularly audited to ensure best practice.

Your journey. completed with us.

  • OSS Excellent Communication Moving Review

    OSS World Wide Movers helped me move my 100 cubic feet of belongings from Taipei (Taiwan), to Melbourne (Australia).

  • OSS First Class Movers Moving Review

    The advice, help, guidance, support and assistance in getting my shipment completed from the UK was first class.

  • OSS My Packing Team Moving Review

    I would like to thank the boys who came into my home yesterday and packed it up to ship to New Zealand.

  • OSS Fast and Efficient Moving Review

    Misha helped us get everything I needed done before my departure

Moving Overseas

International Moving Blog

(+61) 02 8825 9300

(+61) 03 9799 5800

(+61) 07 3348 2500