My wife and I couldn’t be happier with the recent shipping of our goods. We have used other ‘big name’ companies in the past, and have been sadly disappointed. However, from the very start OSS have been excellent, corresponding regularly to keep us up to date, and their service has always been friendly, professional and of the highest level. If I ever had an email query, it was answered the same day or first thing the day after.
When I called by phone, the service was first class. And despite all this, their price was much less than other ‘brand name’ companies. They were honest and always gave good advice. This level of service was also evident in the ‘receiving company’ associated with OSS in the country to which our goods were shipped.
All our things arrived on time, safe and sound. No problems whatsoever. I wouldn’t go with any other company. My wife and I highly recommend OSS World Wide movers to anyone who has to ship goods overseas. We extend our thanks to all the staff at OSS. Thanks again for a job well done. Kind regards