While relocating to a new house overseas will involve rearranging many personal details and possessions, your credit score shouldn’t be affected. That’s because it’s simply an indication of how responsibly you pay your debts when you owe money — and not about where you live.
After all the time you've spent curating your fine art collection, it's essential to make the right choices to keep it safe and secure when moving overseas.
Whether you're moving overseas long term or temporarily, here's everything you need to know about the money in your superannuation when moving internationally from Australia.
If you’re excited about your upcoming move overseas but feel overwhelmed when you consider the work of organising the move, wrapping furniture, packing your fragile items and fitting everything you own into a series of cardboard boxes and crates, OSS has over 50 years of expertise and experience to assist you with the task of international moving.
Decided to make the move from Sydney to Auckland? Moving home 'Across the Ditch' is an exciting adventure, and OSS World Wide Movers is ready to assist with your move.
The busiest time of year for moving overseas is November, December, January and February, and now that COVID restrictions have eased, at OSS we are getting busier than ever.
A lot of preparation and planning goes into moving abroad. Here are four important things to consider when moving overseas.
Read here about a first hand experience on what it is like moving back to Sydney after some time away to make the transition easier for you!
There are a few challenges to face when relocating overseas. I wholeheartedly believe that one of the driving factors behind people moving overseas is so that they can finally walk down to the shops in their underwear without bumping [...]
So what are the best countries to live and work in? More specifically, ones that boost your salary. Continue reading to find out more.
How Common Etiquette In Australia Differs From Overseas According to director of the Australian School of Etiquette, Zarife Hardy, Australians tend to have less of a fascination with etiquette than many overseas. “Australians have a very relaxed and casual approach [...]
“As nurses, we’ve worked so hard and have paid so much to get our degrees. Why not utilise them to their maximum worth? Take advantage of this versatile license and go to Australia, go to Saudi Arabia, go to [...]
Residents are abandoning Australia at record levels, according to new figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Almost 85,000 people formally departed Australia in the final three months of 2017 — almost 9,000 more than in the same [...]
NEW data shows where Australia’s permanent migrants are really coming from — and you might be surprised by the results.
A pretentious, stressful trap: Here's why you want to leave Sydney (and why you'll be back) Sydney is famous for many things: pristine beaches, the glittering harbour and landmarks like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Why would [...]
Committee for Economic Development of Australia report says the increase would bring enormous economic benefits for the average person. With better long-term planning around population growth, infrastructure, urban congestion and the environment, Australians would benefit greatly from annual permanent [...]